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Results 2023

1st AprilBSPS Area 15A Spring ShowGoosey GanderNovice HuntersSecond

First ReceiverRacehorse to ShowhorseSecond

Fools ParadiseRIHS Small Riding HorseFirst  Q
15th AprilBSPS Area 16 Spring ShowStanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseThird

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRidden Part-Bred ArabSecond

Absolutely FashionRIHS Large Riding HorseFirst & Res Ch Q

Castle Howard LegacyRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst & Res Ch Q

Goosey GanderRIHS Heavyweight HunterFirst  Q
22nd AprilBSHA Southern Spring ShowStanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseSecond Q

Stanley Grange Smokey BayAmateur Riding HorseFirst  Q

Fools ParadiseRIHS Small Riding HorseFirst & Res Ch

Killmastulla Trump CardRIHS Large Riding HorseThird Q

DaydreamRIHS Large HackFirst & Ch Q
22nd AprilSouth of England Spring ShowRoyal RegattaRIHS Amateur HacksFirst  Q

Royal RegattaAmateur ChampionshipChampion

Royal RegattaRIHS Large HackSecond

Absolutely FashionRIHS Amateur Riding HorseFirst  Q

Stanley Grange Smokey BayNovice Riding HorseFirst

Stanley Grange Smokey BayNovice ChampionshipChampion

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseSecond

SunbeamRIHS Ridden Plaited ColouredThird​

Barnswood PropositionRidden Sport HorseFirst

Castle Howard LegacyRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst & Res Ch

First ReceiverOpen Ridden ThoroughbredFirst & Ch
8th MayBSPS Area 15 Spring ShowBarnswood PropositionNovice Riding HorseSecond

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRidden Part-Bred ArabFirst & Res Ch

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseSecond & Res Ch

Absolutely FashionRIHS Large Riding HorseFirst

Royal RegattaRIHS Large HackSecond
11th - 14th MayRoyal Windsor Horse ShowFirst ReceiverTattersalls ROR In-HandFirst

SunbeamRIHS Ridden Plaited ColouredFourth

SunbeamIn-Hand Coloured HorseFirst

Royal RegattaRIHS Amateur HacksFirst

Royal RegattaRIHS Large HacksThird

DaydreamRIHS Large HacksFifth

Goosey GanderNovice Heavyweight HunterSecond

Absolutely FashionRIHS Amateur Riding HorsesThird

Stanley Grange Smokey BayNovice Riding HorsesThird​​

SunbeamNovice Riding HorsesFourth

Fools ParadiseRIHS Small Riding HorsesThird

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorsesFourth​​

Absolutely FashionRIHS Large Riding HorsesFirst

Stanley Grange Smokey BayPart-Bred Ridden ArabsSecond​​

DaydreamIntermediate SRT not exc 158Fifth
18th - 20th MayDevon County ShowCastle Howard LegacyHOYS Middleweight HunterSecond​​

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HunterThird​
27th - 28th MayHerts County ShowRoyal RegattaRIHS Large HackFirst & Ch​​

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorsesSecond

SunbeamRIHS Small Riding HorsesThird​​

Killmastulla Trump CardRIHS Large Riding HorsesSecond & Res Ch
31st May/1st JuneSuffolk County ShowCastle Howard LegacyRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst & Res Ch​​

Goosey GanderRIHS Heavyweight HunterFirst

SunbeamRidden Sport HorseFirst​​

Starring LouisRidden Sport HorseSecond

SunbeamRIHS Ridden ColouredFirst & Champ Q

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorsesFirst & Champ​​

SunbeamRIHS Small Riding HorsesSecond Q

Royal RegattaRIHS Large HacksFirst & Champ

Goosey GanderRidden Irish DraughtFirst & Champ
3rd & 4th JuneMidland Counties ShowBarnswood PropositionNovice Riding HorseFirst

Barnswood PropositionIrish Draught Sport HorseFirst

SunbeamHOYS Ridden ColouredSecond
10th & 11th JuneDerbyshire Festival ShowKillmastulla Trump CardHOYS Large Riding HorsesSecond

SunbeamHOYS Ridden ColouredSecond

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HunterThird​
16th - 18th JuneRoyal Three Counties ShowStarring LouisFlat Ridden Sport HorseSecond

Royal RegattaHOYS Large HacksThird​

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HunterFourth

Starring Louis4yr Old Ridden HunterFirst

Starring LouisNovice ChampionshipChampion

Goosey GanderNovice HunterSecond

Royal RegattaAmateur HacksFirst

Royal RegattaAmateur ChampionshipChampion

Goosey GanderRidden ID Sport HorseFirst & Champ
21st & 22nd JuneLincolnshire County ShowFools ParadiseHOYS Small Riding HorsesFirst & Res Champ Q

Killmastulla Trump CardHOYS Large Riding HorsesThird​

SunbeamHOYS Ridden ColouredFirst & Res Champ Q
21st & 25th JuneHickstead Derby MeetingStanley Grange Smokey BayHOYS Small Riding HorsesThird​​

Castle Howard LegacyHOYS Middleweight HuntersFirst & Res Champ Q

SunbeamCHAPS (UK) Non-Native HorseFirst & Champion
28th & 29th JuneRoyal Norfolk ShowBarnswood PropositionRidden Sport HorseFirst & Champion

Barnswood PropositionRidden Irish DraughtFirst & Champion
23rd JulyMid Herts Country ShowStanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Amateur Riding HorsesSecond

St Giles DevoleRIHS Amateur HackSecond

Woodseat Deja VuRIHS Small Riding HorsesFirst & Champion

Barnswood PropositionNovice HorseSecond

Barnswood PropositionNovice HunterFirst
25th & 30th JulyRoyal International Horse ShowSunbeamRidden Plaited ColouredFifth

Castle Howard LegacyMiddleweight HuntersFourth

Goosey GanderHeavyweight HuntersFifth

Absolutely FashionAmature Large Riding HorseThird

Happy ValentinesLadies HuntersThird​

Stanley Grange Smokey BaySmall Riding HorseSecond

SunbeamSmall Riding HorseSeventh

Killmastulla Trump CardLarge Riding HorseFifth

St Giles DevoleLarge HackSeventh

A Red KnightMaxi CobSecond

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRidden Anglo & PB Arab (Large)Second

A Red KnightAmateur Maxi CobFifth

St Giles DevoleAmateur HackFirst

Royal RegattaAmateur HackSecond
2nd - 5th AugustEquifestBarnswood PropositionNovice Lightweight HunterFirst & Champion

Barnswood PropositionOpen Riding HorseFirst

Barnswood PropositionOpen HorseFirst & Champion

DecorationIn-Hand Show Horse 4yrs +First & Res Champ

DecorationIn-Hand Hunter 4yrs +First & Champion
5th AugustGarstang ShowSunbeamHOYS Small Riding HorseFirst & Champion Q

Killmastulla Trump CardHOYS Large Riding HorseFirst Q
11th & 12th AugustStoneleigh August ShowAbsolutely FashionHOYS Ladies Show HorseSecond
19th AugustAshbourne ShowAbsolutely FashionHOYS Large Riding HorseThird​

Greenhall Robin HoodHOYS Heavyweight HunterSecond

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HunterThird​​
22nd - 26th AugustBSPS ChampionshipsAbsolutely FashionHOYS Ladies Show HorseFirst Q

Absolutely FashionHOYS Large Riding HorseFirst Q

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HunterSecond​​

Happy ValentinesHOYS Large Riding HorseSecond

Royal Regatta​HOYS Large HacksSecond

DaydreamHOYS Large HacksThird​​
27th - 28th AugustEdenbridge & Oxted ShowHappy ValentinesHOYS Large Riding HorseThird

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HunterFirst & Res Champ Q

Greenhall Robin HoodHOYS Heavyweight HunterThird​​

Stanley Grange Smokey BayHOYS Small Riding HorseSecond​​
31st AugustBucks County ShowRandalstown NightcapHOYS Small HunterSecond

Stanley Grange Smokey BayHOYS Small Riding HorseThird​

DaydreamHOYS Large HackSecond​​

St Giles DevoleHOYS Large HackThird​​
2nd & 3rd SeptemberStoneleigh SeptemberRoyal Regatta​HOYS Large HackThird​​ Q

Stanley Grange Smokey BayHOYS Small Riding HorseFirst Q

Randalstown NightcapHOYS Small HunterThird​​​​

Greenhall Robin HoodHOYS Heavyweight HunterFirst & Champ Q​​

Happy ValentinesHOYS Large Riding HorseFirst & Champ Q​​
7th - 9th SeptemberBSHA Championship ShowStanley Grange Smokey BayNovice Small Riding HorseThird​​

DaydreamOpen Large HackThird​​

Goosey GanderIDHS £2000 ChallengeSecond​​

Absolutely FashionAM O/R Large Riding HorseSecond​​

Royal Regatta​AM O/R Large HackSecond​​

A Red KnightYoung Rider Maxi CobSecond​​

SunbeamRidden ColouredFirst​​
4th - 8th SeptemberHorse of the Year ShowHappy ValentinesLadies Show Horse ChampionshipSixth​​​​

Absolutely FashionLadies Show Horse ChampionshipEighth​​

DaydreamLarge Hack ChampionshipThird​​​​​​

Castle Howard LegacyMiddleweight Hunter ChampionshipFourth​​​​​​

Happy ValentinesLarge Riding Horse ChampionshipFifth​​​​​​

Killmastulla Trump CardLarge Riding Horse ChampionshipEighth​​​​​​

SunbeamColoured Horse ChampionshipNinth​​​​​​








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