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Results 2024

17th MarchUK Ponies & Horses Spring ShowSunbeamRIHS Ridden ColouredSecond Q

Starring LouisNovice HunterThird

Goosey GanderRIHS Heavyweight HunterSecond Q

Mongorry CormacRIHS Ridden Pure-Bred IDSecond Q

Goosey GanderRIHS Ridden ID Sport HorseThird​ Q

First ReceiverNovice Riding HorseSecond
24th MarchBSPS Area 15A Spring ShowBorn To BougieNovice Ridden HorseFirst

DecorationNovice Ridden HorseSecond

Born To BougieNovice Riding HorseFirst

Ballarin ShannonRIHS Small Riding HorseSecond & Res Ch

Barnswood PropositionNovice Ridden HunterFirst
30th MarchWiltshire Spring ShowBarnswood PropositionNovice Sml/Lwt HunterSecond

Starring LouisNovice Mwt/Hwt HunterFirst

First ReceiverNovice Riding HorseFirst

Barnswood PropositionRIHS Lightweight HunterThird

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseFirst & Ch Q

Ballarin ShannonRIHS Small Riding HorseSecond
4th AprilSouth of England Spring ShowAbsolutely FashionRIHS Amateur Riding HorsesFirst Q

Royal RegattaRIHS Amateur HacksFirst Q

First Receiver​Open RoRFirst  & Res Ch Q

Ballarin ShannonNovice Riding HorseFirst

Ballarin ShannonNovice ChampionshipChampion

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseFirst

Castle Howard LegacyRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst & Rec Ch Q
7th AprilBSPS Area 15 Spring ShowStanley Grange Smokey BayPart-Bred Ridden ArabSecond

DecorationRIHS Lightweight HunterThird

Mongorry CormacRIHS Heavyweight HunterFirst Q

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseThird

SunbeamRIHS Large Riding HorseFirst & Rec Ch Q

DaydreamRIHS Large HacksSecond

Royal RegattaRIHS Amateur HacksFirst
20th AprilBSPS Area 16 Spring ShowStanley Grange Smokey BayPart-Bred Ridden ArabFirst  & Champion

SunbeamRIHS Large Riding HorseSecond

Starring LouisRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst  & Champion Q

Mongorry CormacRIHS Heavyweight HunterFirst

Ballarin ShannonRIHS Small Riding HorseFirst  & Champion

Royal RegattaRIHS Large HacksSecond
28th AprilBSPS Area 4B Spring ShowAbsolutely FashionRIHS Large Riding HorseFirst  & Champion Q

Royal RegattaRIHS Large HacksFirst  & Champion Q
2nd-5th MayRoyal Windsor Horse ShowFirst ReceiverRoR In-Hand Flat ClassFirst  

First ReceiverRoR In-Hand ChampionshipChampion

First ReceiverRoR Ridden Flat ClassFirst  

First ReceiverRoR Ridden ChampionshipChampion

Castle Howard LegacyRIHS Middleweight HunterSixth​  

Goosey GanderRIHS Heavyweight HunterFourth

Royal RegattaRIHS Amateur HacksFirst

Royal RegattaRIHS Large HacksFirst

DaydreamRIHS Large HacksFifth

SunbeamBSHA Ladies Show HorseSecond

Ballarin ShannonNovice Riding HorseFourth

Absolutely FashionRIHS Large Riding HorseFourth

Stanley Grange Smokey BayLrg Part-Bred Ridden ArabSecond

Stanley Grange Smokey BayPart-Bred Ridden ChampionshipRes Ch

DaydreamLrg Int Show Riding TypeFifth
16th-18th MayDevon County Show​Starring LouisHOYS Middleweight HunterSecond
25th-26th MayHerts County Show​Barnswood PropositionRIHS Lightweight HunterFirst 

Castle Howard LegacyRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst 

​Goosey GanderRIHS Heavyweight HunterFirst & Champion

DaydreamRIHS Large HacksFirst & Champion Q
29th & 30th MaySuffolk County Show​Starring LouisRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst & Res Ch

Goosey GanderRIHS Heavyweight HunterFirst

SunbeamRIHS Ridden ColouredFirst & Res Ch

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding HorseFirst & Res Ch

SunbeamRIHS Large Riding HorseFirst & Champion
1st & 2nd JuneMidland Counties Show​Barnswood PropositionRIHS Ridden ID Sport HorseFirst Q
3rd JuneRutland ShowCastle Howard LegacyRIHS Middleweight HunterFirst & Res Ch

Ballarin ShannonNovice Riding HorseFirst

​Ballarin ShannonRiding Horse ChampionshipChampion​

Born To BougieNovice Riding HorseSecond

Born To BougieRIHS Large Riding HorseSecond

DecorationIn-Hand HunterFirst & Champion

Runnon Super TrooperIn-Hand Sport HorseFirst

Time For CrimeRIHS Small HacksSecond
8th & 9th JuneDerbyshire FestivalCastle Howard LegacyHOYS Middleweight HunterFirst & Res Ch Q

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HunterThird

DaydreamHOYS Large HacksSecond

Ballarin ShannonHOYS Small Riding HorsesThird
14th - 16th JuneRoyal Three CountiesCorbally DunnRidden ConnemaraThird

Barnswood PropositionNovice HunterFirst

Barnswood PropositionNovice ChampionshipChampion

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight Hunter  First & Res Ch Q

Goosey GanderRidden ID Sport HorseFirst

Goosey GanderRidden ID Championship  Champion

DaydreamHOYS Large Hacks  Second
19th - 23rd JuneHickstead Derby MeetingDaydreamRIHS Large HacksSecond

Ballarin ShannonRIHS Small Riding Horses  First & Champion

Stanley Grange Smokey BayRIHS Small Riding Horses  Second

Absolutely FashionRIHS Large Riding Horses  Second

​Starring LouisRIHS Middleweight Hunters  Second
20th - 21st JulyStoneleigh Show - JulyCastle Howard Legacy​HOYS Middleweight Hunter  Second

Goosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight Hunter  Second

​DaydreamHOYS Large Hacks  Second
23rd - 28th JulyRoyal International Horse ShowCastle Howard Legacy​Middleweight Hunters  Fourth

Goosey GanderHeavyweight Hunters  Fifth

Absolutely FashionAmateur Large Riding Horses  Seventh

Ballarin ShannonSmall Riding Horses  Sixth

Absolutely FashionLarge Riding Horses  Fourth

Goosey GanderPart-Bred Irish Draughts First

Goosey GanderIrish Draughts Championship  Champion

Stanley Grange Smokey BayPart-Bred Arabs  Fourth

Royal RegattaAmateur Hacks  Fourth
1st AugustNew Forest ShowBallarin ShannonHOYS Small Riding HorsesThird​
17th AugustAshbourne ShowBallarin ShannonHOYS Small Riding HorsesFirst & Champion Q

Royal RegattaHOYS Large HacksSecond

Absolutely FashionHOYS Large Riding HorsesThird​
20th AugustBSPS Summer ChampsDaydreamHOYS Large HacksSecond

Royal RegattaHOYS Large HacksThird​

Starring LouisHOYS Middleweight HuntersThird​

Absolutely FashionHOYS Large Riding HorsesSecond

SunbeamHOYS Large Riding HorsesThird​
25th & 26th AugustEdenbridge & Oxted ShowSunbeamHOYS Ridden ColouredSecond

Starring Louis​HOYS Middleweight HuntersFirst Q

Stanley Grange Smokey BayHOYS Small Riding HorsesThird​

Absolutely FashionHOYS Large Riding HorsesFirst & Champion Q

SunbeamHOYS Large Riding HorsesSecond
29th AugustBucks County ShowRoyal RegattaHOYS Large HacksFirst & Res Champ Q

Daydream​HOYS Large HacksSecond

SunbeamHOYS Large Riding HorsesFirst Q
30th & 31st AugustStoneleigh Show - AugustDaydreamHOYS Large HacksThird​​

​Bowerhall Blue MoonHOYS Large Riding HorsesSecond & Champion Q

SunbeamHOYS Ridden ColouredFirst & Res Champ  Q
12th-14th SeptemberBSHA National ChampionshipsGoosey GanderHOYS Heavyweight HuntersSecond

​Goosey GanderClassic Sup Heavyweight HuntersThird​​​

Goosey GanderRidden ID Sport HorseFirst

Goosey GanderIrish Draught ChampionshipChampion

​First ReceiverNovice Large Riding HorseThird​​​

Absolutely FashionAmateur Ladies Show HorseSecond

Absolutely FashionClassic Sup Large Riding HorseThird

​Time for CrimeGrooms ClassThird​​​

Royal RegattaAmateur Large HackThird​​​

Absolutely FashionAmateur Large Riding HorseThird

Royal RegattaHOYS Large HacksSecond

Ballarin ShannonOwners ClassThird​​​

Bluestone DunkirkIn-Hand Sport HorseThird​​​

Ballarin ShannonHOYS Small Riding HorseThird

​Bowerhall Blue MoonHOYS Large Riding HorseFirst & Champion
8th-13th OctoberHorse of the Year ShowStarring LouisMiddleweight HuntersFifth

​Castle Howard Legacy​Middleweight HuntersNinth

​SunbeamLarge Riding HorseFifth








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